Please see tips and guides below on different ways you can adapt a healthier lifestyle
Come On Lads Let’s Talk’ offers face-to-face, online, telephone and ‘walk and talk’ counselling or therapy with trained professionals, with the first six sessions paid for by Carney Consultancy.
Poor mental health is the biggest cause of death in the construction industry. According to the Office for National Statistics, more than 1,400 construction workers took their own life in the UK between 2011 and 2017, more than three times the national average for men. You can find links to our therapists here Stats and Feedback from clients who have used this service Our experts have seen over 20 clients so far and this is what they have to say about the service: 'Everyone should do this, there is so much need out there, I am so glad I did this, you have helped me so much. I can't thank you enough' 'I thought I would be anxious, but Kate was so easy to talk to' 'If I hadn't been offered this, I don't know that I would be here (alive), I have been able to say things I couldn't tell anyone else, it really helps, getting things off my chest' 'This really changes your life, you accept yourself. It's a step you need to take to improve your Mental Health and live your best life' Amazing service that was easy to access due to the approachable people that run this scheme. Mental Health is so important in the modern world and a service like this can help so many people get the help they need to be able to work through their stresses and feel more confident each day. 'My sessions helped me gain the confidence that I needed to work towards my goals and look at the priorities in my life and manage my stress much easier' It was more than just a formal thing; each session allowed me to explore my concerns in life in the most friendly and calm atmosphere. It provided a much needed balance in my life' 'Ann was so helpful and I feel 1000% better. This is an amazing project. I was one of those people who didn't believe that thought this sort of thing existed, however it does and I am really glad that it exists' |
Stats and Feedback from our counsellors and therapists
Here is some feedback on what our experts have to say about the 'Lads Let's Talk' scheme 'It is really wonderful to be able to work in partnership with Carney Consultancy Ltd, to be able to offer people that would not ordinarily feel able to access bespoke Mental Health support of this kind' 'I feel privileged to work with these people, for whom many have struggled to access services elsewhere , and as a result have felt judged. I am so proud to be able to restore faith in talking to someone for accessing this kind of help.' |
LIGHTHOUSE CLUB The lighthouse club is an amazing charity that help support workers in the construction industry with their Mental Health. Click on the text or image above to be redirected to their website.
BETTER HEALTH AT WORK AWARDSClick on the text or image above to be redirected to the official Better Health at Work Award webpage. This project helps focus on workplace health and is a fun but informative way for companies to encourage and promote good health in the workplace.
STRESS QUESTIONNAIREClick on the text or image above to try the NHS Stress quiz, answer 5 questions to get some tips on how to manage your stress.
a low mood that lasts for weeks or months and affects your daily life. It can lead to energy depletion and a lack of motivation. |
a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. A constant stress of panic, potentially leading to shortness of breath or heart palpitations. |
Substance abuse
constant drinking or drug taking is a sign that someone may be suffering. Feeling a sense of self-loathing or worthlessness: remember, suicide is a huge killer of construction workers. If you have any feelings or thoughts of being worthless or that you may want to hurt yourself, please contact someone immediately. |
Behavioural issues
being overly emotional, quiet and withdrawn, prone to anger outbursts or coming across as confrontational and hostile. These are potential signs of someone dealing with a mental health problem. |
Poor sleep
we need on average between 7-9 hours a night. Failure to sleep enough can lead to poor sleep habits, which have been shown to contribute to anxiety and other mental health issues. |
How to look after your Mental HealthIn this publication, the Mental Health Foundation covers different ways that you can look after your Mental Health. Everybody is different and therefore they take to different ways of self care. Help navigate your mind with this highly recommended guide.
Source - Mental Health Foundation |
It's okay not to be okayThis article covers the importance of Mental Health and how not feeling 100% is your mind and body telling you to take it easy, feelings like these may not be 100% comfortable but they are 100% normal.
Source - SHP Online |
5 Steps to Mental WellbeingC lick the text or image above to be redirected to the NHS webpage regarding tips on how you can improve your Mental Wellbeing.
Source - NHS |
Click here to read about the effectiveness of mindfulness and how it can change peoples lives. Source - The story reading ape blog |
The image to the right shows how you can create a balance in life, especially between work and home life. Did you know: It’s estimated that 200–500 million people meditate worldwide. Meditation improves anxiety levels 60% of the time. Meditation can reduce the risk of being hospitalized for coronary disease by 87%. Meditation can reduce the wake time of people with insomnia by 50%, according to mindfulness meditation stats. 66% of US Buddhists meditate at least once a week. 52% of employers provided mindfulness classes or training to their employees in 2018. Meditation can increase employees’ productivity by 120%. School suspensions were reduced by 45% thanks to meditation. |
British Heart Foundation |
Diabetes UK |
NHS Change 4 Life |